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Preparing for Accenture Interview Questions in 2024 made easy

Updated: Jul 22, 2024

Accenture Interview Questions

Accenture is the world's premier management consulting, technology services, and outsourcing organization, as well as one of the top IT corporations in India. Accenture offers expertise in a wide range of critical business sectors, including customer relationship management, supply chain management, business strategy, technology, and outsourcing.

As Accenture is a well-known name worldwide, it is difficult to crack the interview for a job there. Whether it be for Java, DevOps, Angular, functional, or freshers, the competition has increased manifolds. The key to clear it is dedication and 100% preparation whether you are preparing for Accenture testing interview questions, Accenture functional testing interview questions, Accenture angular interview questions or Accenture DevOps interview questions. To help you with your preparation, we have shortlisted some of the frequently asked questions that will help you prepare and get the job of your dreams!


1. What do you know about the company? Why Accenture? (interview question/answer)

Here the interview wants to know your research and preparation ability. It is essential to have thorough research done about the company in detail as one of the first questions that will arise in an interview is a brief description of the company. The research should include a thorough understanding of the company, the type of business they are into, clients they serve and what scale it is at.

2. Why have you applied for this job?

Here the interview would like to know the reason behind you applying for the job. The motive behind asking this question is to know how passionate you are for this role, and how you plan to add value to the organization with your efforts. At the same time, while answering this question, remember to highlight the skills that are required for the job. For this, one must have done thorough research about the job role and the expectations of the company from this role.

3. Are you satisfied with your career and growth till now?

In this question, the interviewer wants to know your self-esteem, confidence and career aspirations. The answer to this question should be yes. This is what the interviewer wishes to hear from their future employees as well. After mentioning yes, state the reason behind it and all progress you have made.

4. How many rounds of interviews are there in Accenture for experienced people?

There are three rounds of interviews in Accenture for experienced people. It involves an online assessment test, Technical interview and HR interview. The Accenture interview questions for experienced professionals are mentioned further.

The online assessment consists of objective as well as subjective based questions that play the main role in filtering the best one out of thousands of applicants.

The Technical interview involves an interview based on technical aspects of the job. It requires a person to be thoroughly acquainted with the basics and technical knowledge of the job that he/she is applying for.

The HR interview is the last round of the Accenture interview. After clearing all the above rounds, the person gets to the last stage where general questions, situational questions are asked and other than this, if the interviewee has any question regarding salary, work environment or the company, he/she can clear it out before the results are announced.

Accenture HR interview questions

1. What skills do you have that makes you a perfect fit for HR at Accenture?

The key to ace this answer is by correlating your skills with a relevant example or experience where you demonstrated that skill efficiently. Other than that, the key skills required for HR are communication skills, administrative expert, Analytical driven and oriented, HR reporting skills, teamwork and being able to resolve conflict in a peaceful manner i.e., problem-solving.

2, How experienced are you in Excel?

This is a commonly asked Accenture HR interview question. One should be completely honest about the experience in Excel, even though it is an integral part of the HR job. The reason behind this is to follow up questions regarding excel which might set a wrong impression if not answered according to the ratings. Even though, if you are not an experienced person in Excel, the key is to portray to the interviewers that you are ready to take it as a challenge and will be able to learn it in a few days.

Managerial Round Interview questions in Accenture

Managerial round interview questions can cover a wide range of topics for discussion. If you're preparing for this type of interview, think about what questions hiring managers might ask. Example questions can help you prepare for the various topics that interviewers may discuss during your interview. Here are some questions to help you prepare for your managerial interview at Accenture.

1. What is your role in a team? Do you see yourself as a leader or a follower?

The hiring manager asks this question to understand whether you prefer to be a leader and take charge in your hand or a follower that is sincere in doing whatever work is told. Another reason is to also check your self-esteem and confidence by mentioning the state where you see yourself. The key to ace this question is to answer by giving examples of your leadership and collaboration skills.

2. If your team resists your idea, how do you plan to handle the situation?

Hiring managers may ask you this question to learn how you deal with workplace resistance. This could be another opportunity for them to learn more about how you handle difficult situations with teammates. You could share the strategies you use to communicate with your team in this type of situation when answering this question.

Sample answer:

Implementing new ideas can be difficult at times, especially when they cause significant changes in the team's work process. To avoid challenges and minimize risks, I present all available evidence to support my belief that the idea will be beneficial. If my team continues to oppose the idea, I usually ask them if they have any alternative suggestions. Otherwise, I will try to assemble more resources to gain their support."

3. How do you react to sudden changes in the work environment?

Here the interviewer wants to check if as an employee you are flexible with the changes or take time to settle down with it. Mostly the suitable answer is to be flexible with the changes and adjustable when it comes to the work environment. Companies like Accenture keep changing according to the environment and the ongoing trends and thus they prefer to have people that are comfortable with it and can easily adjust without any problem.

Accenture Java interview questions

Usually, a Java interview consists of more technical questions as it is a practical role and doesn't require much decision making. Here we listed some of the frequently asked Accenture java interview questions to help you ace the interview.

1. What are the characteristics of the C programming language?

C-coded programs are efficient and fast. This is because it has a wide range of data types and powerful operators.

Today, C is the most widely used programming language in operating systems and embedded system development.

Machine-readable structured programming language Portable or self-contained

2. In Java, can you override a private or static method?

No, we cannot override private or static methods. Private methods can never be overridden; they are bound during compile time. In Java, private methods are not visible to any other class, limiting their scope to the class in which they are declared.

3. What is a servlet's life cycle?

The life cycle of a servlet can be defined as the entire process from creation to destruction. The init () method is used to initialize the servlet. To process a client's request, the servlet invokes the service () method.

4. What is polymorphism?

Polymorphism refers to an object's ability to take on multiple forms. It allows you to perform the same action in a variety of ways. In Java, there are two types of polymorphism: compile time polymorphism (static binding) and runtime polymorphism (dynamic binding).

5. What exactly is an abstraction in Java?

Data Abstraction is the property that allows only the most important details to be displayed to the user. To achieve abstraction, we use abstract classes and interfaces.

Accenture fresher interview questions / Accenture interview questions for freshers 2024

1. Tell me something, not on your resume.

Here the interviewer wants to know something more than what is already written in the resume. Take this opportunity and highlight the skills that are relevant to the job description. It can be any interest or any work experience.

2. Things you learned from your final-year project and how do you plan to implement the learnings in this job?

Here the interviewer wants to know your contribution to the final project. It plays a main role in being the deciding factor for the placements. Start the answer by briefing the interviewer about the topic and the reason behind it. Tell the interviewer about the skills you gained during the project in detail and co-relate it to the way you can use the skills in the job. Emphasize this part as this will portray how you will add value to the organization.

3. How would you handle a project that has gone awry?

This is a question from a behavioral interview. This question is intended to assess your problem-solving abilities. You must demonstrate your ability to recover from losses and deal with any situation that may arise while on the job. You can also use examples from your previous work experience to demonstrate how you handled a situation without it escalating, as well as how you ensured that your team members were satisfied with the solution. You must maintain a positive problem-solving attitude and avoid displaying any visible worry or challenge.

4. What is the work atmosphere like at Accenture?

Accenture's dynamic work environment is the primary reason why it is a wonderful location to work or further your career. You will work and learn from some of the smartest, most giving individuals on the planet, with diverse areas of expertise and experience. Accenture's multi-functional spaces fundamentally foster creativity, innovation, learning and growth, and cooperation regardless of work location.

6.. What is the starting salary for a rookie at Accenture?

Accenture offers a competitive remuneration package to new hires. Freshers at Accenture may expect to earn between Rs 2.2 Lakhs and Rs 5 Lakhs per year.

7. Do you have any offers from other companies?

Here the interviewer is checking if you have your priorities straight for this job or not. Bragging about the offers from other companies is not a good option here. The best way to answer is by telling the interviewer that even if there are any, you will priorities Accenture and will work everything according to that.

8. Where do you see yourself in 5 years at Accenture?

The tough question posed above may be solved as follows: "In the next five years, I hope to be in a senior job or managing a team at Accenture, working with a fantastic group of experts." I want to be renowned across the world as a passionate expert in my field. Overall, I will treasure my time at Accenture, which I think will be one of the greatest in the world."

Accenture Selenium Interview Questions

1. What is the distinction between a HashMap and a hashtable?

i) A non-synchronized HashMap is defined. It is not threaded safe and cannot be shared by many threads in the absence of adequate synchronization code. It moves quickly and is traversed by Iterator.

ii) The hashtable has been synced. It's thread-safe and may be shared by several threads. It moves slowly and is traversed by the Enumerator and Iterator.

2. What exactly is compatibility testing?

Compatibility testing is the process of verifying an application's functionality on various software, hardware platforms, networks, and browsers.

We transferred the programme to production once it was stable. It may be used or accessed by various people on different platforms, and they may encounter certain compatibility difficulties; to avoid these issues, we perform one round of compatibility testing.

3. Why are you seeking change?

The easiest method to answer the interview question, "Why are you seeking a career change?" is to focus on positive, easy-to-explain answers. Negative reactions, such as nagging bosses or job pressure, should be avoided at all costs. Willingness to learn new things

· Relocation is required.

· Make plans to study, grow, and discover new possibilities.

· a desire to take on more duties and a new professional role

4. How do you keep your knowledge up to date?

· Consider Attending Professional Development Classes

· Utilize Online Resources

· Professional Events to Keep an Eye On

· Take Your Business Networking Online

· Spend money on continuing education and certification.

These are the questions that should be prepared thoroughly for an amazing result. All the best!

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